Just a Quickie

The Elliptical
MP3 Check,
Water Check,
Start out slow for five. AC-DC in ear. Push hard for at least twenty. Wore out, slow down for five, Done. Seems simple enough yes? A little sweat a little burn, always good.
Until it is not. 4 times a week trudge down to the basement and begin. Thing cost about $500 so have to use it. Dogs hate it too. Got it, wish it was a tanning bed.
Hate it, do it anyway. Hate it, do it anyway. Hate it, do it anyway. It is the easiest thing that can be used, no impact on your joints, smooth easy flow. It can even make your stomach muscles sore if you try hard enough.
Keep hating something and it will turn on you. Put enough hate into it and it will come back. One day it gets even.
Sudden adrenalin rush. Push, Faster, Faster, Faster. Sweat runs, will not stop, can not stop. Faster, Faster.. it starts to hum, then to whine.. Dogs hear and run into room barking. Can not stop, Dogs whining too now. They can not call 911. Try to scream but have no breath. Muscles burn.
Suddenly, Wham! An elbow to the ribs, "Wake up and stop whining! Dam it, I'm trying to sleep here."
Next day..
MP3 Check,
Water Check,

Monday, March 5, 2012

New Post

Amazon Says I have to post a new post to get my blog to link with the Author page. OK so here we go.

My first book Death; A Beginning needed some attention. Amazon's self publishing has gotten much better over the last couple of years

Monday, November 8, 2010

Raking leaves is Dangerous

It is fall, the leaves are falling, DUH. The frost is here. Some of the trees are beautiful, some are sticks already. Some yards are raked and sucked off, others look like a Forrest floor. You can see the property lines sometimes, where the rake went and where it has not. Some property lines are marked with a fence, one has a row of T post driven DEEP in the ground and painted white, with only about 2 foot sticking out. Looks like an accident waiting to happen. Humm............

Joe is out raking his leaves, he hates the neighbor, the guy is a Dick. He keeps crossing the property line, but he put in these stupid metal post after paying a surveyor to mark the line cause Joe's kids kept running into his yard while playing. Those post, One of the kids could fall and bash his head in on one of those post... IDEA. Bash head in.. Humm.

The Dick has not raked his leaves yet. I have just the thing.. Joe gets some fishing line and uses the leaves for cover, he uses spike nails to wrap the line. One to hold it up in the middle. The Dick always does his yard in a pattern. Joe knows the pattern, he walks out along the wooden fence to his back yard then starts raking in the corner along his LINE. Joe sets in his window with a beer watching.

The Dick comes out of the back yard with his rake, he walks over exactly as expected. "The stupid bastard and his pattern.." His foot hooks on the fishing line. (Nice birthday present after all) He trips and falls. Damn I am good thinks Joe. I got his height perfect. The Dick twitches as blood pours from his now impaled eye socket.. Joe gets up to go check on him, as he moans and finishes his death throws, Joe gathers up his fishing line and spikes. He walks over and throws them in the trash, then he starts hollering.. "OH MY GOD! HELP HELP! someone call 911."

Joe looks concerned as The Dick's Bitchy old lady comes out screaming. Joe thinks well now I can pull those post up so my kids do not end up like The Dick.. What a safety hazard... I wish I had remembered to bring my beer, now it is going to get hot...

And the world goes round and round.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Kid Magnet

She is a kid Magnet, it gives her an advantage in her "job". All she has to do was ride up on a stolen Motorcycle and set near a group of kids, the best places are kids sporting events in rich neighborhoods. All she has to do is take off her helmet and set an wait. Adults never give her a second glance. After all she is a kid magnet and looks like she belongs.

True "Kid Magnets" are rare, the have an effect on adults too. They look harmless and they do not exist. It does not matter what they wear how they dress, their hair can be any color, their sunglasses can remain on as can their gloves. Adults just do not see them as a threat. Kids do not see them as threats. Kid magnets can be men or women. It is not something you can train for, it is just what you are.

After the event starts she rides up and at least one or two kids will wonder off from the event to talk to her. The parents attention is always on the field. If they glance over at the sound of the bike, they quickly dismiss her and turn their attention back to the field. When the kids wonder up, she chooses one. Usually the youngest or cutest. All she has to do is ask it if it wants a ride.. The kids eyes light up and they all raise their hands and jump up and down. If there is only one all the better. Get them fast before you get too many kids standing around. She has them put on the kid Helmet she buys for this event. This even reinforces the good person effect as the good person wants me to be safe. It also disguises the kid, she also has them put on a leather jacket to be safe, More disguise. She takes her time, as rushing would he suspicious. Dress the kid safe.

Then she tells them to hang on and off she goes, the kids left behind stand there waiting their turn. They will not report the other kid gone for 10 mins or more. They it is usually something like Timmy got to ride on the motorcycle and we didn't..

She meets the buyer in a quite area, usually a country area a few mins away from the playing field. She stops and they make the exchange. She is a cold hearted bitch. Never ask what they want the kid for. The Kid usually does not get worried she tells them they can keep the jacket and helmet. Sometimes she can actually get them to get in the car, cause her bike just broke down and these nice people are going to take you back to your parents. Once they are in the car or Van she does not look back. She takes the backpack, a quick look inside and off she goes, that much richer.

She usually has a car stashed near at a park, so she gets back on the bike and rides away stashes the bike & goes to the car, takes off her glasses, gloves and wig which she then burns in a BBQ pit she has hot setting by the car, she stays until it is all burned well cause she is just in a park BBQing, the bike is down the street not hers, then she drives off. Never hit the same city or part of the country twice. She steals the bike and buys the gear in advance at some biker rally for cash, it is untraceable. She has a box trailer for hauling the bike she steals until she is done with it. After all with all the Video cameras she has to be very careful, once the deed is done everything that might connect her to it must be destroyed or abandoned, DNA and fingerprints must always be considered when touching the tools of her trade.. Its a living.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Stranger Danger

I am a kid magnet. It does not matter what I am wearing, how I have my hair fixed. Weather or not I have long pants or you can see my snake Tattoo on my calf. Short spiky red hair, longer curly lady hair. Natural dirty blond hair. Weather I have my Harley or my Kawasaki or my SUV or the Truck. I can have my dogs or not. (I will not mention the bird cause she is a kid magnet no matter who has her) It just does not matter How I act, or look. I am a kid Magnet have always been one.

I try and avoid kids sporting events, and do not walk past schools when out walking cause if I do I tend to have a pied piper effect going on. But as you know you can not avoid kids completely or you would never go anywhere. So If I go to a fireworks display with my husband, or a racing event, or a demo derby, or just whatever. It happens.

I will be setting in the crowd minding my own business and someone will tap me on the leg. I will look down and always there is a kid who has taken a spot next to me. Ignoring them does not discourage them so I gave up on that. They will start usually with something like,
"Hello, what you doin?"
"Just sittin here. Where's your Mom?"
"Over there (point) She's busy with my little brother." (Or whatever has distracted her enough that the kid has wondered off)
"Are you not suppose to talk to strangers?"
"No I'm not, but your not a stranger."
"I'm pretty strange."
"No your not, silly."
"What's the snake on your leg mean."
Somehow if they have room at this point there are usually more kids. If I am on bleachers it is usually one or two, but if we are somewhere setting on grass, it can be more.

Now my Brother also has this magnetic personality, if we go to Wal-Mart together we tend to have several following us. But we live pretty far apart now so we do not get out much together any more.

I have to set and wait until the parents notice that their kids are gone, because if I get up and walk away they will follow me. I have had to walk to the area of the parents, and sometimes even when they see me with their kids they pay little attention. A few times I have had to ask if they would take their children cause I needed to go. Then they look at me like I am an asshole, and ask me what I was doing with their kids in the first place. As if it was my idea.

I have no kids, never have had any, my husband and I tried and we even tried fostering. But that did not work out. My Brother also has no kids, maybe we are kids at heart. But People watch your kids. Come on, what if I was the bad biker Bitch I look like. What if my concealed gun was not there to protect you and your kids but was there for bad things. How do you really know. In this day and age it amazes me that people will just let their kids wonder off and set with a stranger. But it happens every time I go to something like that. At least ONE kid will find me. Sure sometimes the parent notices and the kid gets chewed out. But that kid should be taught better. If I offered any of them a ride on my Motorcycle I am sure they would jump on grinning, and away I could go.

When I take the dogs walking in the neighborhood I have to be rude to the kids and tell them that my Min Pin will bite them. He might snap at them and he does growl so I can usually get them to stay in their yard. So do you need to put the invisible electric fence on your kids, Maybe the one that gives them a range... Ok so maybe not but WATCH them if you are going to let them play in the front yard where people walk by on the sidewalks and you do not have a fence.

What if I was the bad guy.. Hummmm what if...

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Eliptical

MP3 Check,
Water Check,

Start out slow for five. AC-DC in ear. Push hard for at least twenty. Wore out, slow down for five, Done. Seems simple enough yes? A little sweat a little burn, always good.

Until it is not. 4 times a week trudge down to the basement and begin. Thing cost about $500 so have to use it. Dogs hate it too. Got it, wish it was a tanning bed.

Hate it, do it anyway. Hate it, do it anyway. Hate it, do it anyway. It is the easiest thing that can be used, no impact on your joints, smooth easy flow. It can even make your stomach muscles sore if you try hard enough.

Keep hating something and it will turn on you. Put enough hate into it and it will come back. One day it gets even.

Sudden adrenalin rush. Push, Faster, Faster, Faster. Sweat runs, will not stop, can not stop. Faster, Faster.. it starts to hum, then to whine.. Dogs hear and run into room barking. Can not stop, Dogs whining too now. They can not call 911. Try to scream but have no breath. Muscles burn.

Suddenly.... WHAM an elbow to the ribs, "Wake up and stop whining! Dam it, I'm trying to sleep here!"

Next day..

MP3 Check,
Water Check,



Hello I have a Facebook page but it is just local family and friends under my Family Name.

My Dog Barney has a Blog on here called Min Pin Mentions. He also has a twitter page called Barney_Dog. His Blog is cute and fun, as are his tweets.

I will work on this blog and try to get readers. I love to write, and sure wish I could make money at it, but then again don't we all. I have read some published books and I think Wow my book is so much better than this.